Tlf: +47 92 03 16 15
Sømsveien 170, nr 1, 4638 Kristiansand S


- Clean Water and Green Energy ren

We want to be your partner in the treatment of your process water to make sure that all water returned to the nature is pure and clean and something you proudly can present to your customers.

We are going to contribute to an increase of production of green energy through our products, knowledge and innovative technology.

Gassuttaksbrønn Gassuttaksbrønn Gassuttaksbrønn Sigevannsoppsamling Gassoppsamling, måling og rensing Sigevannrensing Gassmotor Strøm til nettet Varmtvann til sigevannsanlegget Avfallsdeponi Fakkel
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Sømsveien 170, nr 1
4638 Kristiansand S

Managing Director

Bengt de Vylder Larsen


Tlf: +47 92 03 16 15
Webdesign ©2008-2020 Web Norge